hey everyone!
First BIG NEWS!!
I have paypal now!! I can accept payments and donations and stuff!! *__________*
I'm opened to commissions from now on.
My account is: simplynerdilicious [!at] gmail.com
Please put @ where the [!at] is, and it will work! =)
I'm so excited..
Leafy pendant - $ 6.00

in the last couple of days I've been working with very inspirating materials.. copper thread and leather.
I had these leather leftovers from a necklace EPIC FAIL I tried last week and I wanted to do something with it.. it was too pity just throw them away and such a terrible waste!
So I thougth about what I could do with some leather strips and, except some dirty things (LOL!) I came up with the idea of making earrings or some othe sort of jewelry.
So i grabbed my mum's metallic threads and chose the copper, copper is wonderful with leather IMHO.
I share the results with you.
Leafy pendant - $ 6.00
Size: 6.5 cm long (2.3 inches) - the leaf is about 3 cm (1 inch) long
Materials: copper thread and vintage leather

Simple Leather Earrings - $4.50 each couple
Size: 6 cm (2 inches) long
Materials: Vintage Leather and Copper thread

Spiral Earrings - $ 6.00 each couple
Size: 6 cm (2 inches) long
Materials: Vintage Leather and Copper thread
All these items are completely hand made by me.
The leather was stiffened in water without adding any other substances.
The leather was stiffened in water without adding any other substances.
I ship internationally and I package everything in the safest way possible but I'm not responsible for anything that happens to the item after I 've left the post office.
Shipping rates are $ 3.00 per item + $ 0.50 with another item.
If you have any question please feel free to contact me at my email adress:
simplynerdilicious [!at] gmail.com
/me hugZ you..
Splendidi i tuoi lavori *_*